The Natural Cotton Color group – NCC Ecobrands was created in Paraíba in 1995 with the intention of offering products developed from natural color cotton to the Fashion and Interior Design industries. NCC Ecobrands comprises a number of companies located in various regions of…
The organic color cotton is exclusively produced on a purchase guaranteed system by the Natural Cotton Color Group – NCC Ecobrands. The plantation is the result of the support from Embrapa Cotton and the work carried out by the Margarida Maria Alves settlement in the…
Color cotton is an alternative to the traditional cotton production system. Developed by Embrapa in Paraíba, the cotton is grown already with color without the use of additives, preserving the environment. “As the plume is already grown colorful, dispensing the dyeing phase, ensuring an…
Currently, the word sustainability is on the agenda of most companies. The challenge is to promote growth in a balanced way. What guides the Natural Cotton Color group – NCC Ecobrands is the tripod of sustainability: Environmental, Social and Economic. Thus, we seek to…
The French exhibition “Vivre Côté Sud ” of June 2015 has been less visited than over the last past years and we don’t know exactly the reason why. The best sellers brands are the famous brands of Marseille and of the Côte d’Azur and…
More than 4000 years BC some ancient civilizations like the Egyptians and the Incas already knew how to grow and weave the threads. However, it was the Arabs who spread the cotton through Europe, and named the al-gu-Tum plant. In the Old Continent, cotton…