Last week, we saw messages from fashion brands in solidarity and support for the anti-racist movement in the world. Then, in Brazil, denunciations of models who suffered discrimination in the casting of stylists. We know that the agenda for inclusion, against prejudice and discrimination,…
With the theme “strategies that impact business and guide tomorrow”, entrepreneur Francisca Vieira presents Natural Cotton Color – NCC Ecobrands at the 7th edition of the Sustainability and Governance Forum on August 21 and 22 to be held in Curitiba. The CEO of the…
The Natural Cotton Color Group, based in João Pessoa-PB, Northeast Brazil, exhibited clothing and accessories produced in colored cotton organic in the hall MODTíssimo, on 21 and 22 February, in Porto, Portugal. During the event were presented creations in sustainable fashion whose production are…
When the Natural Cotton Color – NCC Ecobrands attended the Maison D’Exceptions in Première Vision Paris in 2015 as the first company selected for the hall, there was an interview to learn more about the craft proposal associated with fashion. The video released in…
The report points out that the color cotton, our raw material, will be the theme of the 23rd edition of the Paraíba Craft Show. The event will be held in Joao Pessoa from January 8th to the 31st. The interview highlights the businesswoman and…
“Francisca Vieira’s designs show the riches of Paraiba as each piece brings a wealth of knowledge and local traditions. In every outfit you can map the entire production chain involved in the production of sustainable fashion “This excerpt sums up the essence of story…