Clipping: Natural Cotton Color conquer space in the media

In recent months the guidelines of Natural Color Cotton were received by the media in Brazil. In January, the highlight was in the G1 portal due to the exposure of garments from the Capsule collection in the Paraíba Craft Show.
In March we highlight the newspaper Gazeta do Povo, Paraná state. The report makes an approach about brands that are conquering the market with eco-fashion.
In February, the Natural Color Cotton attended the Maison D’Exceptions at the Première Vision Paris, attracting the attention of some media vehicles. We highlight the note on Isto É Dinheiro magazine, in the sustainability column: “creative craft solutions with organic colored cotton use for major international fashion brands in the luxury segment.”

Column #Sustentabilidade from Isto É Dinheiro (19/02/2016). Note published in Issue 955 of Revista dinheiro, with Hugo Cilo collaboration)
In the April edition Natural Color Cotton gained ground with the concept Slow Fashion approach, in the national circulation magazine Bons Fluídos. In the interview with Francisca Vieira, CEO of the brand, explains the concept contained in the mark: the environmentally sound and socially just manual work.
In March we highlight the newspaper Gazeta do Povo, Paraná state. The report makes an approach about brands that are conquering the market with eco-fashion.

Gazeta do Povo (Paraná) 11/3/2016 – Editoria Moda e Beleza | Viver Bem
In the April edition Natural Color Cotton gained ground with the concept Slow Fashion approach, in the national circulation magazine Bons Fluídos. In the interview with Francisca Vieira, CEO of the brand, explains the concept contained in the mark: the environmentally sound and socially just manual work.

Revista Bons Fluidos, Editora Abril. Cultura | Moda | Boa Ideia: Vestir Consciente. Página Inteira. Edição de Abril – 2016.
In April the Natural Cotton Color was featured in a special report on sustainable and handmade fashion in SPFW, in Serafina magazine, Folha de São Paulo, with national circulation. Among the four covered products are silk, renaissance lace and leather. The report highlights the planting of organic colored cotton Cotton Natural Color with guaranteed purchase at Paraiba.

Serafina Magazine, Folha de São Paulo. 24/04/2016.